
pokémon go & other goings on

Unless you've been curled up under a cozy rock somewhere, I have no doubt that you've heard about Pokemon Go. It's everywhere; I've even seen driving advertisements telling me to no 'Pokemon Go and drive.' The craze has somewhat died down at this point, but I still pop on it every now again again, and I can't wait for the larger updates we've been promised. (I believe?) Join Team Mystic! :P

Here's a piece of art I posted on my DeviantArt earlier on (which can be found here!) I did the majority of a few months ago, but sort of lost motivation for it... I decided to finish it this evening, though it's not quite at cleanly done as I wanted it to be. There's some rough edges here and there, but I quite like how it came out! Even though I'm not the biggest Pokemon fan out there, it will still a fun project to practice my Illustrator skills with.

School is back in, and it's always slow to begin with, but I know the pace will quickly speed up as it always does. I'd love to maintain this blog so I can feel I've accomplished something outside of the school curriculum. Expect future updates (I sincerely hope!)

a couple of arty things

Not particularly good things - but a little bit of a study of colors and shapes. I've taken a liking to making patterns using Sharpie markers and just letting my mind go and create patterns when I'm feeling a lack of creativity.

Also, spring has sprung! I recently bought a few pastel colored Copic Sketch markers and I wanted to try them out in a spring theme. I'm not too pleased with how her arms came out... but I'm working to get better at basic anatomy!

and then there was wondercon 2016

Can't believe WonderCon was over three weeks ago now... yikes! My friend and I attended together (blue and purple wig!) on Day 2 over our Spring Break. I went as Undyne again... But I improved it quite a bit as I wasn't pleased with the wig or fins from my first shot at her. As expected, there were loads of Undertale cosplayers yet again. I was lucky enough to take some photos with them. :D

There were lots of other Undyne cosplayers, so it was always interesting to bump into someone who looked quite a bit like yourself! There was, of course, many really cool cosplayers from a multitude of fandoms... ack, I'd love to be back there now!
There was a big Undertale meetup in the afternoon. It was hard to fit everyone into the group photo! Goat mom Toriel kindly brought cookies for everyone to share.

I really hope to return to WonderCon next year! It's the largest convention I've ever been to, and the atmosphere was just fantastic. Thanks, WonderCon folks!

anime los angeles 2016

As it's been quite a while, I suppose an update on comic-con goings is in order! Yikes, this is quite late now...

I attended days 2 & 3 of Anime Los Angeles 2016! (Jan. 28-29) I've also been bit by the Undertale bug, and I cosplayed Undyne (and later "improved Undyne") at two conventions. Don't think I can match her personality well like others can... but she's a pretty cool fish lady so I'm satisfied.

Here's some photos of a few of the amazing Undertale cosplayers (and Portal!) that I saw whilst wondering around (bottom-left-blue-person may or may not be me...)

There was also a massive Undertale gathering. When I first saw the post on Facebook for, I supposed there couldn't be too many people attending; I was proven very wrong. It was so amazing to be surrounded by people were just as or even more passionate about it than I am!

There was a sea of Undertale cosplayers and it was beautiful.

Day 2 came around quickly and I decided to attend as Finland from Hetalia for the Hetalia gathering that day. It's always the best to see familar faces from con to con and gathering to gathering - there were lots of hugs and hellos!
Credit for the group photo goes to the creater of this Facebook page. There's also a rather embarrassing blurred photo of me falling (a Russia tried to pick me up) but it was totally a blast and I can't wait to see some of the same people again at Anime Expo this summer!

Conventions are always an adventure - and you think you know what to expect, but there's always something crazier and crazier happening at each and every one of them!

happy thanksgiving!

It's that time of year again, where we celebrate history and what we are thankful for in our lives. I absolutely love the very fall-feel going on right now, though "Christmas begins" tomorrow... Everything is very much commercialized, but it's fun to take the time and enjoy these things anyway.

My mom loves making seasonal displays on a bookshelf we have in our entrance way. She put together a very sweet display of pumpkins, gourds, and collected Thanksgiving figurines (sounds odd to put it like that, but they're well-made decorations!)

We also baked some corn bread (packet mix of course...) and I'm quite satisfied by how they look. My mom always finds these neat little cupcake/muffin holder things, and we used those to spruce up how the cornbread looked.

The little burned bits on the sides make the photo extra classy, I know.

My cat's been hiding away for most of the day, as there's been a lot of crashing and clanking about of cookery ware in the kitchen. She sat and enjoyed some of the Macy's Parade this morning though, but more likely because of the cuddles she was receiving while we all sat on the couch.

I started messing around with camera angles, and this came out of that. She looks a bit nuts in this picture... though that isn't far from the truth.

I'm very thankful for all of the people in my life and the great times I've been able to share with them. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving filled with warmth and good food. :)